Silly of the Valley
Sunday December 3, 2023
Join Silly of the Valley Productions, out of Kelowna, BC
for a heartwarming holiday themed afternoon of family entertainment. Trixie the Clown and Mr Brown Knows share their love of music, polkadots and humans with open hearts and playfulness. Expect to dance, laugh and sing along!
“Making memories and connections, one nose at a time!”
Candy Bones Theatre presents Oopsie!
Sunday March 3, 2024
Our character, Dr. Professor, is on a quest for a conclusion to the question, “Is it OK to make mistakes?” With help from the audience, together they uncover how mistakes can help us learn and make new discoveries. Award-winning inter-arts maestro Candice Roberts performs this fun and clever story about growth mindset and the creative process through a seamless weaving of shadow puppetry, original music, tap dance and physical comedy in this fun and interactive theatrical workshop experience.